Chair of Governors - Kathryn Warrington
Vice Chair - Beverley Smith
Chair of Resources Committee - Mike Brown
Chair of Curriculum Committee - Andy Parry
Clerk to the Governors - Mrs J Lambert
School governors are responsible for planning the school's future direction and can thereby help raise the standards of pupil achievement. Governors are also accountable to parents and the wider community for the performance of the school.
The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school, with the Head and the School Leadership Team responsible for day-to-day management.
General information about the work of a school governing body, a guide to the laws affecting schools and governors and advice on how to become a school governor may be found by using the link below.
Information for the Derbyshire Local Offer can be found on the link below.
Governing Board Membership 2022-23 - Please click here
Governor Statement 2021-2022 - please click here
Last updated March 2023